Workshops – Short stories in English

In this playlist I gathered (in the right order to be watched) the initial videos of the workshops Short stories in English that I am going to be offering online.

Such workshops intend to engage the target audience (= any person who is interested in improving in relation to their knowledge of literature or language) in readings of texts written in English (the workshops will be ministered both in English and in Portuguese).

After these initial, free-trial videos, links are going to be sent to those who wish to enroll in the workshops, be it by purchasing them individually or in a packet that comprises all of them.


Certification is going to be offered to anyone who enrolls and acquires at least one of the workshops.

Lives are to be scheduled beforehand for those interested in debating the issues exposed in the workshops and/or to clarify any questions about the subjects we’ll be talking about.

Oficinas de contos em língua inglesa

Nesta playlist estão reunidos, na ordem correta em que devem ser assistidos, os vídeos iniciais das oficinas de contos em língua inglesa, ofertadas por mim.

As oficinas pretendem engajar o público-alvo (qualquer pessoa interessada em se aprimorar com relação ao conhecimento da literatura ou língua) em leituras conjuntas de contos anglófonos (em português e em inglês).

Após esses vídeos iniciais, gratuitos, links serão enviados a quem desejar se inscrever nas oficinas, seja individualmente ou num pacote que compreenda todas.

Certificações serão emitidas a quem adquirir ao menos uma das oficinas oferecidas.


Lives serão marcadas com antecedência para os interessados em debater e/ou esclarecer dúvidas acerca dos assuntos abordados.

The law

Trilha sonora dos próximos meses *risos*


Breakin’ rocks in the hot sun

I fought the law and the law won (twice)

I needed money ’cause I had none

I fought the law and the law won (twice)


I left my baby and it feels so bad

Guess my race is run

She’s the best girl that I ever had

I fought the law and the law won

I fought the law and the


Robbin’ people with a six-gun

I fought the law and the law won (twice)

I lost my girl and I lost my fun

I fought the law and the law won (twice)


I left my baby and it feels so bad

Guess my race is run

She’s the best girl that I ever had

I fought the law and the law won

I fought the law and the


I fought the law and the law won (7 times)

I fought the law and the



There I was completely wasting, out of work and down

all inside it’s so frustrating as I drift from town to town

feel as though nobody cares if I live or die

so I might as well begin to put some action in my life


Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law


So much for the golden future, I can’t even start

I’ve had every promise broken, there’s anger in my heart

you don’t know what it’s like, you don’t have a clue

if you did you’d find yourselves doing the same thing too


Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law


You don’t know what it’s like


Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Top 21 Facebook!

No dia 23 de janeiro deste ano, abri uma página no Facebook – tanto para ajudar na divulgação do meu trabalho, quanto para compartilhar artigos, músicas, memes e vídeos que considero bacanas por certos motivos.

Pois bem! Hoje, a página tem 93 curtidas, mas o alcance dela é maior do que eu esperava – acho que as pessoas vêm na linha do tempo as publicações curtidas por essas 93 pessoas, então elas acabam caindo ali por tabela.

Por isso, agora que já faz pouco mais de 2 meses do nascimento da página, decidi selecionar as publicações de mais alcance (não necessariamente as mais curtidas ou as mais comentadas) e disponibilizá-las aqui, para quem acompanha o blog mas não as publicações no Facebook. São bem ecléticas, como poderão perceber!

(se algum der problema, dê refresh – atualizar – na página)

1- Com 431 visualizações (!!!), esta é incontestavelmente a publicação mais popular na minha página do Facebook:

2- Com 93 visualizações, este vídeo é a segunda publicação mais popular de lá:

3- Este artigo do NY Times teve 89 visualizações:

4- Este vídeo revoltante (com vingancinha no final!) foi visto 82 vezes na minha página:

5- Com 68 visualizações:

6- 66 (não foi de propósito!) :

7- Com 65 visus, empatados:


8- Com 63 visus – empatados:

9- Com 59 visualizações:

10- Com 58:

11- Com 54 visus:

12- Com 53:

13- Com 50 visus:

14- Com 49, empatados:

15- 47 visualizações:

16- 46 visualizações:

17- 44 visualizações – empatados:

Irish song:

 Essa é difícil de cantar sem se enrolar! hahahahh

While in the merry month of May from me home I started,
Left the girls of Tuam nearly broken hearted,
Saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother,
Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother,
Then off to reap the corn, leave where I was born,
Cut a stout black thorn to banish ghosts and goblins;
Bought a pair of brogues rattling o’er the bogs
And fright’ning all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three four, five,
Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

In Mullingar that night I rested limbs so weary,
Started by daylight next morning blithe and early,
Took a drop of pure to keep me heart from sinking;
That’s a Paddy’s cure whenever he’s on drinking.
Hear the lassies smile, laughing all the while
At me curious style, ‘twould set your heart a bubblin’
Asked me was I hired, wages I required,
I was almost tired of the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three four, five,
Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

In Dublin next arrived, I thought it such a pity
To be soon deprived a view of that fine city.
Then I took a stroll, all among the quality;
Me bundle it was stole, all in a neat locality.
Something crossed me mind, when I looked behind,
No bundle could I find upon me stick a wobblin’
Enquiring for the rogue, they said me Connaught brogue
Wasn’t much in vogue on the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three four, five,
Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

From there I got away, me spirits never failing,
Landed on the quay, just as the ship was sailing.
The Captain at me roared, said that no room had he;
When I jumped aboard, a cabin found for Paddy.
Down among the pigs, played some hearty rigs,
Danced some hearty jigs, the water round me bubbling;
When off Holyhead I wished meself was dead,
Or better for instead on the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three four, five,
Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky road
all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

The boys of Liverpool, when we safely landed,
Called meself a fool, I could no longer stand it.
Blood began to boil, temper I was losing;
Poor old Erin’s Isle they began abusing.
“Hurrah me soul” says I, me Shillelagh I let fly.
Some Galway boys were nigh and saw I was a hobble in,
With a load “hurray !” joined in the affray.
We quitely cleared the way for the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three four, five,
Hunt the Hare and turn her down
the rocky road and all the way to Dublin,
Whack follol de rah !